About me

(deutsche Version dieser Seite hier)

Hi. I’m Sebastian (he/him) and this is my blog. I’m a writer, improviser, podcaster & YouTuber. My work has been published in a bunch of German publications that will mean nothing to you if you’re not German. I write reviews, essays and dumb jokes about pop culture, literature, politics, the internet, autism, mental health and whatever else I’m currently interested in. Much of my backlog is in German, but I’m working on translating some classic bangers and intend to work more in English. You can find recent English writing and podcasts I’ve published here.

If you somehow want even more of me, you can subscribe to this blog, follow me on social media, listen to my podcasts or watch me perform improv in Berlin.

If you have any questions, concerns or ransom demands, email me at mail@smoitzheim.online.